Is Eating and Weight Disorders Journal Peer Reviewed

Phone call for Papers: Context Matters: Environmental Influences on Eating disorders, Disordered eating and Body Image

New Content ItemWithin some environments, the development of eating disorder symptoms - such as binge eating, strict weight command, or over-valuation of 1'south trunk weight or shape - may appear to be logical, if not functional. Many, but not all, aetiological models consider the environment in the onset and maintenance of eating disorders. This Special Issue explores the extent to which eating disorders (inclusive of body prototype disturbance and matted eating) are (at least in function) an injurious issue of or are exacerbated/maintained past the surround inside which one is exposed. Submissions (original articles, commentaries and reviews) are invited that critically examine the role of a range of contexts, including but not limited to the natural environment (east.g., seasons, climate, admission to blue and green space), the family environment (e.1000., relationships with parents and siblings, nascency order), and the socio-political/cultural/economical environment ( thousand., socioeconomic, legal, employment, housing, religious, war exposure, sports involvement). We particularly welcome studies coming from an epidemiological, public health, intersectional and/or wellness economics lens.

Invitee Editors: Dr Long Le, Dr Deborah Mitchison, and Professor Bryn Austin

Submission borderline: 30 May 2022

Call for Papers: Medical Assessment and Management in Eating Disorders

New Content ItemThe Journal of Eating Disorders is pleased to announce a Special Event singularly devoted to the Medical Assessment and Management in Eating Disorders. Accepted papers will appear in a thematic issue to be published in Winter 2022. Potential topics for comprehensive review articles are listed below. The publishing fee will be waived for accustomed manuscripts. In general, articles should non exceed 4500 words and should include around fifty references.

Topics of involvement include, just are non limited to:

  • Transgender medicine in Eating disorders
  • Anorexia in larger bodies (atypical anorexia)
  • Renal and Electrolyte disturbances
  • Pulmonary
  • Cardiology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Bone health and Musculoskeletal
  • Fertility/Endocrine (to as well include management of patients with diabetes)

Nosotros too welcome submissions that pertain to medical complications in eating disorders not encompassed by the aforementioned topics. We seek to include 2-four articles on topics not detailed above.

Invitee Editors: Dr. Phil Mehler and Dr. Allison Nitsch

Submission deadline: xxx June 2022

Call for Papers: Improving the futurity by understanding the present: evidence reviews for the field of eating disorders

New Content Item In gild to advance research in ratings disorders and determine priorities for investment there is an imperative to synthesise advances and identify disquisitional gaps in knowledge. The 2021-2031 Australian Eating Disorder Enquiry and Translation Strategy, a two-year national consultation and collaboration process, included a broad Rapid Review of existing eating disorder literature to map the current evidence-base and inform the development of national research priorities.
A Rapid Review attempts to understand a field of written report in its entirety, predominantly to guide conclusion making processes and address urgent health concerns, and here aims to lay a background of nationally consistent information. This special edition captures the available peer-reviewed literature relating to the vi principal eating disorder diagnostic groups (as defined past the DSM-5), across viii cardinal research areas: (1) Population, prevalence, affliction burden, and quality of life in Western developed countries; (2) Risk factors; (three) Comorbid atmospheric condition and medical complications; (4) Screening and diagnosis; (5) Prevention and early on intervention; (6) Psychotherapies and models of care; (7) Pharmacotherapies, alternative & adjunctive therapies; and (8) Outcomes (includes: relapse prevention and bloodshed).

Led by the InsideOut Institute for Eating Disorders (Sydney, Australia) and driven by Australia's expert lived experience and eating disorder research customs, the review serial lays the foundation to meliorate the futurity by agreement the nowadays.

Guest editors: Dr. Sarah Maguire, Dr. Jane Miskovic-Wheatley and Dr. Phillip Aouad

Submission deadline: Oct 2022

Call for Papers: Rampage Eating Related Eating Disorders

New Content ItemBinge eating or feeling out of command while consuming a large amount of food in a discrete time period, occurring at a significant frequency, is characteristic of several eating disorders, virtually notably Bulimia Nervosa (BN) and Binge Eating Disorder (BED). The rampage eating  is sometimes followed by compensatory behaviours like self-induced vomiting (BN), can exist associated with overweight and obesity (BED) and is often highly distressing and resistant to treatment. About 1.5% of adult individuals will have BN and approximately three.0 will have BED at some point in their life. There are many factors that contribute to binge eating behaviours, including psychosocial aspects such equally stress and lifestyle, biology including genetics, gender and hormonal influences, and comorbid conditions such equally anxiety and depression.
With this special effect on binge eating, we would like to invite submissions on current research in order to  stimulate further investigation on the topic, particularly within the eating disorder inquiry community. We would like to invite submissions beyond clinical and bones research, studies that focus on behaviour and neurobiology, important findings pertaining to epidemiology and treatment, and review papers or meta-analyses that provide a new perspective on this topic. If you have questions whether your manuscript might be suitable, delight practise not hesitate to reach out to one of the Editors of this special result.

Invitee Editors: Professor Guido Frank, Professor Allan Kaplan, Professor Katrin Giel, and Associate Editor Professor Jose Appolinario

Submission borderline: i August 2022


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